The Lego Movie is used to give a different message to people of different age groups. The creator of the film has been extremely clever to show different points of view in the movie and to attract people of all ages so it is enjoyable for everyone. There are actors in this movie who would attract older people to watch it and make them want to see it.
As well as who's in the movie they have been clever to use the different characters in the movie to symbolize people in real life and how people feel. We see President Business who is determined to make the world all the same and equal and make sure people don't have the right to be creative and who they want to be, as evil as it sounds this could be how some parents react to their children wanting to play or do different things to what they want them to do. This could relate to children and/or parents as well. It shows a parent who wants their child to live in a perfect world and follow a certain root in life, in their head this is the 'perfect world' just like how President Business sees things. Children may relate to Emmit of the feeling of not being special or not being able to show their creativeness sometimes, it may also relate to children who feel as if they don't fit in. Some may feel as if they can relate to these characters which would help attract more viewers.