Sunday 3 February 2019


  1. The group All Saints are the main cover of the magazine they are shown to be looking directly at the camera standing tall and confident while also looking some what relaxed. They are depicted this way to create a sense of seriousness. 
  2. The quote from the band says 'we didn't conform to the rules' this shows that they are independent and will do what they want and are unique. 
  3. There is a wide genre of musicians on the cover of this magazine showing that the magazine offers lots of different music types for a wide audience. 
  4. the layout of the magazine is very organised and clear showing that the magazine is formal and serious. 

1 comment:

  1. Mark 2 out of 5 This is a question about media language, not representation (that word refers to how people, places, ideas are conveyed / presented). Your points 2 and 3 are not relevant.
    02 MUSIC & NEWS question 5: How is media language used to reflect the genre conventions of a music magazine? Make bullet points below the magazine cover.
    Yes, quite 'classical' as the title suggests.
    Say in what way the layout is 'formal and serious', such as, comment on the columns, boxes, grid at the top; the neat symmetry.
