Wednesday, 31 January 2018


 The dark blue bold writing shows us the important things and what the key subject is. They use burgundy colours on the different headings, highlighting each new story to show the importance and what people would most likely want to read. The Online Observer also put other key information in orange, for example they put brands and famous people in the bright orange, this could be for sponsorship and to gain the readers attention. 
The Observer is in a big white bold writing which is quite modern, they use San Serif text which gives it a modern feel and makes it match the online style.
The font they use on this news makes it look serious and important. They put the more important stories at the top with bigger and bolder white writing. The layout of the paper is very neat and put together everything is in line and matches. This shows us that the observer is a serious newspaper. The show different views on this newspaper and look at different cultures and the struggles that other people are going through, so that lots of people can relate to the newspaper. They are an unbiased newspaper who don't just focus on one view. 
The newspaper has different views of people, first person, third , person  for example right at the top of the paper it says, "can I forgive the man who raped me?" showing the first person of how someone else is feeling but there story. They also talk about other people in third person talking about them. The paper has an objective mode of address as it connects with lots of people, they can relate to it.
This paper has a very modern sense as they have lots of different images all over it that connect to the stories, this gives the reader a visual of who its about and what the story is about or the emotion of the story. There is a variety of stories in the paper that will relate to a variety of people, they talk about different problems in society and what is happening with refugees, around the world, sexual assault. These stories help raise awareness to the younger and older generation. The paper uses lots of different hyperbolic writing for example 'Get out!' making it dramatic and in your face.

1 comment:

  1. Q.8 "Give two examples" for 5 marks
    Mark 3 out of 5
    1. Start at the top with the sans serif title 'The Observer' embedded in the royal blue masthead. You need to know that this style is not just their 'online' style but is the permanent Observer house style.
    2. I would group the two colours burgundy and royal blue together (as signifying seriousness) rather than distinguish between them. Note that they connote "formality and professionalism".
    3. Good observations about the regularity and neatness of the layout which creates formality, seriousness, impartiality (not bias).
    4. The mention of the use of orange is, I think, not sufficiently important for the exam board to comment on it.
    4. Other sensible observations below.
