Tuesday, 9 January 2018


Exam question: Analyse how genre codes have been used in The Lego Movie poster campaign to appeal to a family audience. (10 marks) Write the equivalent of a page and a half A4 in the exam. This is a major question. 

Image result for the lego movie
The lego movie is very effective to appeal to a family because it relates to a variety of people of different ages.

It appeals to different ages through the different characters on the poster, there are different superheros that have been combined with the Lego characters this will engage older people as they saw these characters as they grew up and will want to see a different version of them now.
By the expression in Emmit's face shows us that its going to be an exciting movie, it also has a comedic sense to it , showing us its going to be funny, this would appeal to younger people more. In the background there is big cranes and Doctor Business towering over them showing that there is a lot of action. In the poster there are many different characters which all have different facial expressions as they run away, this means each family member can relate to someone.
 The poster also has a relatable aspect to it they have added in things to the poster to relate to people who build Lego, the Lego movie logo is made out of Lego showing us  the brand and it is being held up by a crane which people who build lego might relate to. The crane also tells us that the movie will be about building or have something to do with it. 

The creators made other posters with the separate characters on them this was done to attract different generations to the movie. Morgan Freeman is known mainly by an older generation as well as a few younger people. He has a very Holy look to him in the movie and the poster he almost looks like what most people envision God to look like, this could be good for Religious people as it may attract them. He is also a very wise man and seen as he knows everything, adults may relate to this. 

Image result for wyld fire poster lego movieThe poster of WyldStyle would attract to girls as she is a very confident, sassy , young girl who has a lot of power. This would attract young girls as they might look up to her. The poster shows us she is standing on a train track and that there is a train coming from behind her which shows us there is going to be action and that she is apart of it.

Chris Pratt is a very well known Actor which would attract some people towards the movie to see more of his work. I think teenagers and some adults would be able to relate as he is a character who makes a lot of mistakes in the movie and gets sad sometimes as he feels as if he is doing things wrong but also learning from mistakes, this could relate to teenagers. Although he has an everyday job which adults may relate to and relate to how he works, or reacts to things at work. 
Image result for Lord business poster lego movie 
Will Ferrell is an very famous and comedic actor that lots of different ages love, it shows us that the movie will be humorous as he is normally a very funny character in movies.


  1. Mark 6 out of 10. Fluent and observant work, Morven, which would be improved in the exam with a refinements, such as below.
    1. In the ensemble poster, you comment on what is visible in the background to the poster poster that attracts audiences, such as the chase and explosions promising the thrills of action adventure movies.Equally, as there are superheroes running away from an unknown enemy, this creates intrigue and subverts the genre.
    2. The merging of film franchises within the context of the globalization of the media industry is clear from the depiction of the superheroes Batman, WonderWoman, the Green Lantern and Superman. This ensures that even larger audiences are reached. a range of ages will have grown up with these familiar characters.
    3. You make thoughtful observations about the representation of Emmet but should dwell more on his depiction as 'everyman'. Notice the antithesis in the tagline created by the vocabulary (nobody / everybody) and should hammer home the point that, as such, he appeals to a family audience as we can relate to him, the underdog. 'Underdog overcoming odds' themes appeal to family audiences. You could draw attention to the 'reluctant hero' in Emmet who inspires us to believe that we could all be heroic when up against the forces of injustice, like Lord Business.
    4. Wyldstyle: good. You can introduce the term 'post-feminist audience', that is, women and girls who expect female representation to be positive and equal to men.
    5. Sensible analyses of the individual posters but draw attention to more of the details such as way in which villainy (being evil and scary) is constructed in Lord Business through the teeth-like imagery, the use of extreme close-up, the monobrow frown.
    6. I would cut the bit about the appeal of God in the Vitruvius poster. It is more about familiar archetypes as well as the much-loved actor Morgan Freeman.

  2. Sorry that there are several typos here! It is hard to type into the tiny box!
